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Three million Canadians suffer from hearing loss



Hearing loss affects 10 percent of all Canadians, but only one in six of the hearing impaired wear hearing aids.


Research from the Hearing Foundation of Canada reports, that out of three million Canadians who have hearing loss, only one in six wear hearing aids. This means that more than 80 percent of hearing impaired Canadians have trouble following a normal conversation because they do not use hearing aids. This in spite of the fact that numerous surveys have shown that hearing aids both improve hearing and quality of life. 


Family and friends notice first 


As the fastest growing and third most prevalent chronic health problem among elderly Canadians, hearing loss affects 10 percent of all Canadians, of which 25 percent are over the age of 45, and 50 per cent are over the age of 65. For most people, hearing loss progresses slowly over many years, and it often deteriorates so gradually that family members, friends and co-workers notice a hearing loss before the individual does.
Numerous studies have also shown that hearing loss can lead to withdrawal from social activities. And even anxiety, frustration and depression.


Source: www.newswire.ca

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